October 24, 2024

To our loyal customers,

Folks who care for animals are a very special group of people. It is because of people like you that Sopris Llamas (now Sopris Unlimited) has stayed in this business for as long as we have.

Sadly, the time has come for us to pass the torch. We have enjoyed our decades serving this community and will cherish our memories of the trail.

The good news is that as of January 1, 2025, the super-qualified Beau and Kirstin Baty, along with the Sopris Unlimited Amish manufacturing team, will be keeping the Sopris brand going. Sopris Unlimited will become a part of Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas in 2025. They plan on taking orders starting February 1, 2025. As you can imagine there will be a lot for them to process and sort out.

We will be accepting orders through Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Between that day and the end of the year, we will be transferring ownership to the Batys. On January 1st, they will become your contact for Sopris products.

Thank you again for your support through the years.

Happy Trails,
Charlie and Sandy